Wednesday, August 21, 2013

San Joaquin

What we did on our next stop was fun. Have you tried playing Amazing Race in a cemetery? Yep, that's right. Whenever we hear or think about cemeteries, we automatically play a morbid image in our minds which made cemeteries scary but after you get to see a cemetery like this, you can tell your self "Ah, cemeteries are not as scary as I've imagined. Actually, cemeteries are not scary at all!"

The capilla, also known as the Campo Santo, the cemetery's crowning glory.

There were six (6) stations during the race, after every station, three (3) puzzle pieces were given to each group that gets through. At the end of the race, we are to complete the puzzle with the pieces we earned and tadaa! Below is the image of the completed puzzle.

One (1) kilometer from the cemetery is the San Joaquin church. Unfortunately when we got there it was under renovation so we never really had the chance to get "up close and personal" with the church and we didn't have the chance to see its interior. Nevertheless, it was still worth it. The church of San Joaquin was built using limestones from the mountain of Igbaras. So imagine carrying stones from another place just to build a church, surely that was a lot of work and that's why this church should be preserved and maintained not only because it's a place of worship but also because of the efforts the people put into this to construct a long time ago.

San Joaquin church

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